Orders are processed and shipped within 3 business days, excluding holidays. USPS typically delivers within 1-3 business days. A confirmation email with tracking number will be sent once your order is processed and packed.
If you need expedited shipping, please reach out to or click here.
If your package is returned to us, you will be responsible for the cost to reship the package. The cost to reship a package is $6. If you choose to receive a refund rather than have your order resent, you will be refunded for the cost of the product only. We cannot refund shipping costs on returned packages.
If a return to sender is processed and your package is not returned to us for any reason, you will be responsible for paying the full cost of replacement products, plus an additional $6 for shipping, should you want a replacement sent. We cannot refund an order that is not returned to us.
You may return unused items within 14 days of purchase for store credit, less shipping costs. Products must be returned in sellable condition and shipped to our studio at your expense. A store credit will be issued via email once the return is received and inspected.
Due to the nature of our products, custom candles and used items cannot be returned or refunded.
If you have received the wrong product or your item was damaged in transit, please let us know within 14 days of your order being delivered along with photographic proof of error/damage.